Liam came home this evening. There were no changes in his chest x-ray from yesterday to today but the doctor that was on today said he was ready to go home. He is eating much better and looks better. We'll see what happens...Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Liam's lung isn't opening any more and his chest x-ray from yesterday to today was unchanged. It's open, but not by much. So, they've started IPV treatments every 4 hours and watching him do that ranks right up there with watching him be on a ventilator. IPV stands for Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilator and it basically forces little bursts of air (mixed with saline and albuterol) into his lungs to try to break loose the mucous and open up his airways. The other treatment they were talking about doing is IPPV - Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation and I'm not sure what that entails...not sure I wanna know given how hard the IPV is to watch...he is so strong I could barely hold him when they started the treatment because he was throwing such a fit. I felt terrible...anyway, here's hoping tomorrow's x-ray shows some improvement! They're also trying to figure out why he's had diarrhea for almost 2 weeks so they've sent off some stool samples - the Rotavirus one came back negative but the others won't be back til tomorrow.
Posted by Dizzie at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Scary Day
If you have any prayers left, please say one for Liam. He just got out of the hospital on Monday evening from being admitted for pneumonia. Last night, his temp started going up again and this afternoon was up to 102.6 at home (rectally), with Motrin on board. So, called the on-call doctor who said to take him to the ER. So, I did, thankfully. When we got to the ER, it was still over 102 so they did another chest x-ray and this one showed part of his right lung is collapsed. So, we're once again in the hospital. The plan is for IV antibiotics and fluids - IV fluids are already going. They NT-suctioned him (down his nose and into his chest) and he did NOT like that but sounds a lot better after it. Tomorrow brings labwork and another chest x-ray. My poor little trooper!
Thanks in advance!
Posted by Dizzie at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 8, 2010
Worst Mommy of the Year Award Goes to....ME...
So, I decided to take the three boys out of state to Dallas (well, Coppell), to visit my aunt. We were at this big indoor play place (Going Bonkers) and I was wearing Liam in a Babyhawk MT front carrier. I went to check on Xander then went back to the table to sit down. As I got close to the table, I tripped and fell forward, slamming Liam's head into the table. So, we spent all afternoon in the ER of Medical City Children's Hospital in Dallas. After we got there, he spiked a temp of 101 and wouldn't eat. But, after some Tylenol, his temp went down and he ate so they discharged him. I'm still worried (of course) b/c they didn't do any x-rays or anything, but they said that neither the location nor his behavior made them suspect anything we have to watch him and follow up with our pediatrician when we get back to Missouri.
I feel the worst parent, ever.
Posted by Dizzie at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 3, 2010
NICU Reunion

Posted by Dizzie at 8:57 PM 0 comments