
Thursday, April 7, 2011

An Overdue Update

Liam stopped the ACTH injections last week! He is such a happy baby again. He's rolling, now. We have some serious work to do on trunk control. He has gotten so used to breathing with his stomach that that's how he breathes most of the time, now. He is learning pat-a-cake and it's his new favorite thing! I've caught him imitating sounds, too! Today, I said "uuuugggh" really loudly and heard him make the same we did that a few more times until I tried to show Shane...then he wouldn't do it. Liam has a puppy, now, named Daisy. Daddy isn't happy about this but Liam's face lights up when he sees her. Liam now has a private duty nurse that comes twice a week to take care of him while I do my practicum. It took a lot of self-talk and self-convincing to make myself "okay" with accepting help but I'm going to flunk out of grad school if I don't. Her name is Bonnie and she is great!