
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Scary Day

If you have any prayers left, please say one for Liam. He just got out of the hospital on Monday evening from being admitted for pneumonia. Last night, his temp started going up again and this afternoon was up to 102.6 at home (rectally), with Motrin on board. So, called the on-call doctor who said to take him to the ER. So, I did, thankfully. When we got to the ER, it was still over 102 so they did another chest x-ray and this one showed part of his right lung is collapsed. So, we're once again in the hospital. The plan is for IV antibiotics and fluids - IV fluids are already going. They NT-suctioned him (down his nose and into his chest) and he did NOT like that but sounds a lot better after it. Tomorrow brings labwork and another chest x-ray. My poor little trooper!
Thanks in advance!