
Monday, March 15, 2010

Just Beginning

We just got settled into my room on the post-partum unit. I got to stop by the NICU on the way here and see Liam for a bit for the first time since he was born.

Though I knew he'd be small, I was completely taken by surprise at just how small he really is. Shane has been taking pictures and bringing them back to me but they make him appear almost normal-sized when, in reality, he is so much tinier. For instance, his entire head is smaller than MY hand - and I have small hands!

Today, he weighed 2 pounds, 8 ounces so he's lost a couple ounces - which is to be expected but no less worrisome for Mommy. He is also under bili-lights because he has some jaundice but that is normal for a premature baby. He is still on a ventilator and there's no estimate for how long he'll be on that but they said it's only taking 20 breaths per minute for him and he's doing the rest of the work. He is also down to 23% oxygen (was 37% yesterday and room air is 21%).

They're saying the best estimate for his length of stay is until his due date - June 4.