FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 2010 11:46 PM, CDT
First, I'm sorry about the late update today...there's not much to report today, which is good, in my opinion. They tried to wean some of the dopamine but ended up re-raising the dose because his blood pressure just wasn't quite high enough. He is still really puffy so they are giving him a one-time dose of lasix tonight to ease some of the swelling. He has been peeing really good most of the day but still not enough to help with the swelling - which is EVERYWHERE on his body. They also didn't have to sedate him nearly as much as they have the past few days - and, because of that, he gripped my finger for the first time when held his hand and he tried to open one eye!
And I'll leave you with something to laugh at (Shane sure thinks it's funny)...Liam tries to pee on me everytime I change him! Thankfully, he's too little to have much force behind the pee, so it just dribbles out...but I'm serious about peeing every single time I change him! And, Shane just stands back and laughs!
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