FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2010 12:24 AM, CDT
It's been an okay week for Liam. He is on a high flow nasal cannula, still. Because of the switch, he's been a little higher on his O's (oxygen). He's still having multiple "events" every day, but not severe enough to be bagged or anything - an improvement. Yesterday, he graduated from the Giraffe bed to an air-controlled step is an open crib. He also got to wear clothes for the first time yesterday. But, due to some "events" today, he didn't wear them today so they could watch his breathing more easily. He's down to one OG tube, again, and it's going into his stomach rather than the intestine. Since pulling the OG tube up to his stomach and starting bolus feedings, he has developed Reflux (as was anticipated by the ENT from his Laryngomalacia, or floppy airway) which was leading to more desats, so he was started on Reglan and Pepcid tonight.
That's about all there is right now. Just feeding and growing and trying to not need so much support breathing.
He is now 4 pounds, 3 ounces and 17 inches long.
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