MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2010 7:31 PM, CDT
Liam is doing better, overall, but is still continuing to have some major desat/bradycardia events which require his o2 to be turned up. He hasn't come down any on his oxygen needs since being put on the high flow nasal cannula...hoping for some improvement soon but am glad we're not regressing, so far. He did have to have another blood transfusion today. He also had his first eye exam today and was diagnosed with Stage 1 Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) which can cause blindness (well, not stage 1, but stage 1 can progress). This means the excess time he spent on the vent and the length of time he's needed oxygen has affected his eyes. He'll now have weekly eye exams to make sure it doesn't get worse. Worst case scenario would be him needing surgery to correct it.
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