
Friday, February 25, 2011

Just an Update

Sorry, mommy's failing at the whole blog thing...really, it's probably more avoidance than anything...but, here's an overdue update. Liam did have some more seizures before leaving the hospital but they were very mild and he hasn't had any since. The MRI came back ok. It's not normal but what's wrong is caused from the seizures, not causing the seizures. He was released from the hospital after 9 days, total. We were held up by feedings - or lack thereof. One hospital intensivist doesn't release children with NG tubes - either have to be taking all feeds by mouth or move on to something more permanent (G-tube). The other hospital doctor, however, decided it was time for us to go home and knew we could handle the NG tube - good thing because we would STILL be there if it weren't for him.

People keep asking how Liam is. It's a hard question to answer. He's not having seizures - which is the most important thing right now. However, he has lost most of his developmental milestones and has only attempted to smile twice since mid-January. My little man is lost inside himself from these ACTH injections. This is nothing out of the ordinary, but no less easier to deal with. Everyone that knows Liam knows he is generally a very happy, smiley, social baby. Now...not so much. This has been very hard for Shane and I to cope with and I can't wait for the day we get to see him smile again (after the ACTH shots).